Dance Registration

June – August 2024 Summer Dance Classes


     June-August 2024 Dance Classes There will be one of each class and skill level once per week. This classes will be held on weekday nights (subject to change due to holidays or unforeseen events). Dancers can participate in as many classes as they want to. Those wanting to participate in intermediate and advanced classes will be assessed by instructor to ensure they are in the correct level class.

     We have two options for payment you can choose to drop in throughout the month and pay $10 each time you show up to class, but this option does not secure you a spot in class since we have limited class sizes. You could also choose to pay a monthly tuition of $40 for one class per week a month. This option secures you a spot in the class you have purchased a monthly tuition for. Tuition is good for one selected level and type of class. Tuition can not be transferred students, split for siblings, or transferred to different classes. 

Summer Dance Registration

Dancer Name(Required)
Legal Gaurdian Name
Dancer Age
Dancer Skill Level
Class Selection
I have read and agreed to the above staments.(Required)
Permission to use photograph/video (optional)
By checking this box you are approving this to be used as your electronic signature. Signature of Parent or Guardian for clients under the age of 18.
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